Hornets make poor photography subjects.
I know this to be true because I followed one around my back yard last night for more than five minutes, fancy new camera at the ready, eye to the viewfinder, hand on the focus ring of The Big Gun, my fancy new 300mm lens. The hornet tested my crabapple blossoms, he tested my dianthus blooms, he tested my bergenia flowers, he tested my patience. He lit long enough only for me to locate him, never long enough to capture his fearsome image.
Still, he was lovely after his own fashion, with his fierce white brows knit in a
Lovely, if ill mannered.
The impression he left was rather less than stellar.
My daughter says perhaps he would have been better behaved had he been wearing his yellow jacket, a dinner jacket. Perhaps. All I know is that, arrayed as he was, he behaved very poorly indeed, rather like a wayward child, like a primadonna – spoiled and indulged.
Not like tulips which are far better behaved, far more civilized, and which make marvellously compliant subjects for a gal itching to test the features of her fancy new camera and, especially, new Big Gun.
Plus, as you may see for yourself, tulips do not frown.
Peace ~
Love the picture, it looks surreal, a burst of gold rising from a green mist. Beautiful
beautiful photo my friend! You did great - even if it isn't a hornet.
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