28 January, 2009

~ The Phone Rang Behind Me ~

The way we locate where a sound is coming from is by calculating the difference between the time the sound waves hit each of our ears.

That’s very clever.

Also fascinating.

And helpful.


This morning I finished clearing up after breakfast, grabbed the white phone, and headed off to make my bed and get ready for the day. I was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, putting my hair up when the phone rang behind me. I went back to the bedroom to get the white phone which I had just been holding a few seconds earlier.

The phone was not on the bed. I stood a moment, puzzled, knowing I had just had it in my hand. The phone rang behind me. I thought I must have left the phone on the dresser, so I turned around to look there.

The phone was not on the dresser. I stood a moment, puzzled, knowing I had JUST had it in my hand. The phone rang behind me. I thought I must have covered the phone over when I made the bed, so I turned around to look there, and started pulling back the quilts and blankets.

The phone was not in the bed. The phone rang behind me. I stood a moment, puzzled. I thought I must have dropped the phone into the laundry hamper, so I turned around to look there, and started flinging clothes every direction 'cause I KNEW I had JUST had the phone in my hand SECONDS earlier.

The phone was not in the laundry hamper. The phone rang behind me. I thought I must have left the phone in the bathroom after all, but because the phone had rung five times and I still hadn’t located it, I ran to a different phone, muttering to myself that I would have to find the white phone afterward.

Afterward, I found the white phone............hooked on the back pocket of my jeans.

Peace ~


Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

oh my laughin...with you of course!

~Kennie~ said...

Oh Mylene, too funny!!!!! Thanks for the smile!

Cindye Wile said...

LOL ... i laughed out loud when I read this ... this is something I do all the time ...

carolyn peeler said...

oh my gosh, that is too funny!

Hope all is well with your family :)
Have a great week.

MonaS! said...

LOL - that is totally something that I would do too! Hope you are well.

Lisa G. said...

You need a phone that also vibrates! ;)

Anonymous said...

Haha! We had a cordless phone that my running around the house to find it constantly made me miss calls. So, we bought a set of three cordless phones to be in different areas of the house so I wouldn't be looking for them. Now, I have three phones that ring and I am constantly running around the house looking for them, and I usually find the only one that has a low battery. :) Glad to know I'm not the only one who has phone issues!

Anonymous said...

Laughing right along with you Mylene! It could have been a relative playing games with you! :D